Cloud Foundry vs Kubernetes - A comparison of cloud application platforms

October 20, 2021

Cloud Foundry vs Kubernetes - A comparison of cloud application platforms

Are you a software developer or IT manager trying to decide between Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry for your cloud application platform? Look no further, as the Flare Compare Team has put together a comprehensive comparison guide between the two.

What is Cloud Foundry?

Cloud Foundry is an open-source platform that provides an easy and efficient way to deploy and manage cloud applications. It was developed in-house by VMware, a company well-known for its virtualization software.

Cloud Foundry allows developers to focus on writing code without worrying about the infrastructure. It provides a unified platform for deploying and scaling applications, while also offering support for multiple languages and frameworks.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was developed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Kubernetes provides a flexible and scalable platform that can handle different types of workloads, from simple stateless applications to complex stateful applications. It is designed to work with various container technologies, such as Docker and rkt.



Cloud Foundry provides a simple way to deploy applications through "pushing" applications to the platform. Developers can use a command-line interface (CLI) to push their applications to the Cloud Foundry platform, which automatically takes care of the rest.

Kubernetes, on the other hand, requires developers to define their applications in YAML files, which can be quite complex for beginners. Kubernetes provides a higher level of customization than Cloud Foundry, but it requires more work to set up and deploy applications.


Both Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes allow applications to be scaled horizontally, meaning that multiple instances of the application are created to handle increased traffic.

Cloud Foundry provides an easy way to scale applications up or down through a single command. Kubernetes also provides similar functionality, but it can be more complex to configure.


One of the significant differences between Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes is their networking models. Cloud Foundry uses a "sidecar" model, where each application instance has a separate proxy that handles routing requests to the application. This allows for more fine-grained control over traffic routing.

Kubernetes uses a "service" model, where all instances of an application share a single IP address and port. Kubernetes also provides options for load balancing and service discovery, but it can be more challenging to configure.

Community Support

Both Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes have active and thriving communities, with many resources available to help developers get started. However, Kubernetes has a more extensive community and is more widely used, making it easier to find answers to questions or troubleshoot issues.


Choosing between Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes ultimately depends on your specific use case and the level of complexity you're willing to deal with. Cloud Foundry provides a simple and easy-to-use platform that's perfect for beginners, while Kubernetes provides more control and flexibility for advanced users.

No matter what you choose, both platforms offer robust solutions for deploying cloud applications.


  1. Cloud Foundry
  2. Kubernetes
  3. Cloud Foundry vs Kubernetes: Which Platform for Your Application?

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